Discover the unknown and live unique adventure experiences with us. Your dream journey starts here.

Our advantage is personalized, direct contact with our clients,

which allows us to better understand their needs and requirements. That’s why we are able to provide them with unforgettable experiences by tailoring our services to their individual needs.

We can personally guide our clients and provide them with direct care and support, if they so desire. Our team is specialized and thoroughly vetted to ensure the highest quality of service. With our reliable and highly skilled staff, we can provide our clients with not only safety but also unforgettable experiences during their travels.

Furthermore, our company collaborates with the best local subcontractors to provide our clients with even more opportunities and the chance to experience extraordinary moments.

The travel agency “Maria Kralewska Turismo y Aventura S.A.” is highly regarded among many Poles and tourists from other countries who have been using our services for years. We are proud to offer our clients unforgettable and exciting trips that they will remember for many years to come.

Discover the unknown with us

Our many years of experience will help fulfill your dreams

Maria Kralewska is a true enthusiast of Andean culture who fell in love with the country and its people. Together with her Peruvian husband, she runs a company that is managed according to the principles of syncretism – the process of combining different traditions and cultures.

Maria and her husband are convinced that the most important goal of their business is to provide daily joy and satisfaction by meeting the expectations and needs of their clients. Their son and colleagues are also well aware of how important it is to ensure maximum satisfaction and enjoyment from every trip.

Therefore, everyone involved in the activities of “Maria Kralewska Turismo y Aventura S.A.” places an extremely high emphasis on the quality of the services provided and on an individual approach to each client. They want their guests to fully enjoy their time in the Andes and to derive as much satisfaction and joy as possible from this unforgettable journey.

Maria and her team are fully committed to providing unforgettable experiences to their clients and are constantly striving to improve and perfect their services to provide them with the best possible experience during their stay in Peru.

Your dream journey starts here

Sample programs

Come with us on a journey through video

One picture is worth a thousand words, but video is everything.

our team

Maria Kralewska de Canchaya


Anibal Canchaya Moya


Pawel Canchaya Kralewski



booking and tour package design


booking and tour package design


Tour Leader

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